Industore’s warehouse management software (WMS), HänelSoft, seamlessly integrates with our Automated Storage and Retrieval Solutions (sometimes referred to as ‘ASRS’), enhancing their functionality and efficiency.  HänelSoft ensures data synchronisation across different systems, maintaining consistency and accuracy throughout your supply chain. It’s compatible with commonly used platforms, making integration straightforward.  In fact, we’ve never failed to integrate our software with existing enterprise systems, so if you’ve struggled in the past, look no further.

Stephen Froude, Systems and Software Manager:

Managing inventory becomes simpler with our combined hardware and software solutions. Our vertical storage systems improve control and management of your physical space, while HänelSoft provides elements such as batch number management, FIFO (first in first out) storage stratagies, and control over expiration dates, for example.  It also offers clever forecasting, leveraging historical data and predictive analytics to optimise inventory levels and reduce stockouts.

WMS integration with automated storage

While our VLMs (vertical lift modules) provide secure storage of physical inventory, ensuing you never misplace or lose an item, HänelSoft offers features such as access management, which restrict access to authorised personnel only.  With comprehensive audit trails, you’ll always know who took what, when, and from where, and together, these elements create a secure and efficient warehouse environment, ensuring your inventory is safe but easily accessible.

Technical summary:
HänelSoft is a simple installation, based on a perpetual licensing model, eliminating recurring license fees. It provides investment protection with state-of-the-art technology and a web-based interface accessible from any device. The software ensures direct integration of storage devices into customer networks via Ethernet and offers an intuitive graphical interface for user-friendly operation. Multiple storage devices can be accessed simultaneously, and no additional PC hardware is required to operate the lifts. HänelSoft allows easy connection to all commonly-used ERP/WMS/MRO/WCS systems via file or web interface and is compatible with all current Microsoft Windows versions (64 bit).  A simple, intuitive design ensures quick and comprehensive user uptake. 

Industore: Trusted Partners

We know that implementing new solutions can be daunting, but Industore is here to help. From initial consultation to installation and ongoing support, our team of experts ensures a smooth transition. We provide comprehensive training tailored to your preferences and needs, making sure you get the most out of our solutions – hardware and software. With regular updates and enhancements, our solutions evolve with your business, ensuring long-term success and profitability.

ASRS and WMS in action, in our Cardiff demo centre

Industore’s vertical storage units, combined with our warehouse management software will streamline your operations in the most comprehensive way.  It will empower better decision making, and allow you to stay ahead of the competition. From maximising space to providing real-time inventory tracking and advanced analytics, our solutions empower your business to thrive into the future.

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